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About using love hotels

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About using love hotels

2025/02/18 | 3226 views

Good evening to all the hentai fans.

Thank you for using our service😊

How do you like THC’s escort service? Are you enjoying it?

Many customers want to use love hotels, but we often receive messages saying things like “I don’t know how to use it,” so we change the meeting place to the hotel entrance because it’s best to enter with a cast member.

By doing so, the cast member will attend to you, and you will be able to enter the room smoothly🤓

※The unmanned automatic ticket machines can be difficult to use, so ask a Cast Member for assistance.

Please enjoy the pseudo-romantic situation of entering a love hotel with your girlfriend😊

If you want to use an escort club in Sapporo, please contact Tokyo Hentai Club Sapporo✌️


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